Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Existentialism and Poker

For the first few days at the hospital I do nothing but eat and sleep. Usually by day four or five I am well enough to appreciate visitors and watch TV. By the sixth day I am bored of TV so I
have developed other past times. I read, I clear out my old emails, I talk on the phone, I journal, I listen to music, I talk with God. Sometimes His presence feels very close, sometimes I feel very alone.

Lately I have a new activity to pass the time away. I play poker. Like most card games there are different levels to play. Some players just willy-nilly take chances and throw out their cards without much thought. Some players try to bluff their way through a hand acting like they have something of significance when they actually have nothing. Some of the more serious players know the odds , count the cards and calculate their every move and counter move.

Regardless of what level you play at there is one dominating factor that rules the game - luck.
Luck of the draw, meaning you can only play the cards that have been dealt to you. You do your best, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, regardless, the game goes on.

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