Sunday, August 17, 2008

hospital update

I want to walk outside before the sun sets. After 5 days in the hospital I am feeling the need to commune with Mother Nature before retiring to room 921 for another night of luxury here at UT hospital, but first, an update.

The doctors took out my chest tube on Friday and my right lung is staying expanded. However, I developed a fever that evening and my oxygen saturation level dropped low. No matter how deep I inhaled I simply could not catch my breath. As panic set in and erased rational thought my nurses (notice they are now, MY nurses, not just the nurses) came to the rescue with calming words and an oxygen catheter. They quickly reassured me that I was not some mad, mutated mermaid slowly drowning while attempting to live underwater. I was safe on dry land.

**Disclaimer- this blog was written while I was under the influence of mild narcotics so read it with a grain of pepper.

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