Saturday, August 2, 2008

Heading home

My vacation is ending. Soon I will be returning home to my little house in the woods. The past two weeks have been glorious. I have been surrounded by family and friends. I have reconnected with people that I haven't seen for years. I have been reminded how God has been faithful to me. I am still absorbing all that the past two weeks have meant. I think it may take awhile to feel the full impact. I walk away with a feeling of being incredibly blessed. My friends have once again, done for me what I can not do for myself. The birthday celebration raised over $2000 with another $5000 in pledges. However, what means more to me then the money is the sense of support that I experienced. I am not alone. I do not have to walk alone. God has provided for me through people. He has reminded me of His goodness through the love of my brothers and sisters. I am amazed at the healing power of being loved well.

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