Thursday, December 6, 2012

The draw of the ocean.

I  want to flee to the ocean, be still  and watch the sun set.  The continuous waves brings a rhythm to life that I long for.  The vastness of the water reminds me that there is a bigger picture; always more then what we can see.

Today is done,  finished with more questions and less answers then  yesterday.  I am lost at sea, afloat on a life boat with holes, water tumbling in faster then I can bail.  I want to sit on the shore.


Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

I hope you can find some moments in the midst of this process to do just that. But wouldn't it be great if the urges and the schedules would merge?

It was so great to see you for a few minutes yesterday.

Rajesh said...

Good write. I loved reading the longing in your lines. All the best.

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