Friday, December 21, 2012

Thoughts that keep me awake at night

Lately I've been thinking about the person who will be donating their lungs to me.  They are about to enjoy the holidays for the last time.  Are they away of their coming demise?  Do they have a premonition, a hint of things to come?

I have been praying for blessing for them and their family, that this holiday season will be especially memorable.  I intercede on their behalf, that they may fully understand the meaning of Christmas.   I have been praying they are ready  for an eternity of peace with no more tears, no more hurts, no pain.

I do not understand the complexities of life and death.  How God uses ALL circumstances.  Their tragedy will be my benefit.  My good and their pain flowing together in a grand scheme that is good  is beyond  my ability to comprehend.

So I live in a sense of awe, anticipation and bewilderment.  I pray and I trust. I am thankful that God is in charge so I don't have to be.  His timing is perfect.  His intention for me, for my donor, for all humanity is for good.

1 comment:

Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

Oh my! So much to ponder. I will pray for them too.