Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Falling Back in Time

We all adjusted our clocks this past weekend. Now the darkness comes earlier at the end of the day. Or does it? The sun did not change when it rose and when it sets. We adjusted our perception of time to better utilize the sun's light for our purposes.

Where am I going with this? I don't know, just thinking again about how our perceptions create our realities, how our perceptions are affected by our perspective. This all sound so heady. Let me try to explain where I am going with all of this. (hang on, it could be a wild ride.)

I grew up in South Florida, near the tropics, closer to the equator then most of the United States where there is lots of sunshine lots of the time thus Florida is nicknamed the sunshine state. Day light savings time doesn't mean a whole lot there because the closer you are to the equator the more constant 12 hours of sunlight you will receive regardless of what season it is.

However in other parts of our country, the tilt of the earth creates more sun shine in the summer and less in the winter as the earth rotates. Therefore, day light savings time impacts people up north more then the south because sunshine is a precious commodity in the cold winter months and daylight savings time allows for people to enjoy the sun more in their awake hours.

All of that to say that the sun never really changes when and for how long it shines. It is constant. Yet our perspective (where we see it from) of the sun changes as the earth rotates so much that we adjust our perception (how we see it) and this creates our reality. (what time of day is it?)

Whew, I'm tired and I'm not even sure this makes sense to anyone else. I think somewhere in this analogy is a lesson about changing and adjusting and letting the sun shine in your life but I'm much too tired now to connect all the dots. Perhaps I will ponder this more later.

1 comment:

TinaJewel said...

Tina, my calendars say that it isn't until this weekend that we turn our clocks back! I think you missed a week somewhere! Hope you're continuing to do ok!
Tina Miller