Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Challenge

Rest and relaxation is good for the soul. Tom and I met up in Hickory, NC for the weekend. We hung out with my adopted family, the Hartzler's. Rich conversation, competitive rook games, playful banter that comes with people you know and love well. What more could I ask for. I feel refreshed and ready to finish my last week of pulmonary rehab in Durham.
I am overwhelmed at the thought of going home and trying to incorporate the exercise regimen I've been on. I know it is vital for my health to continue yet I struggle with feeling inadequate to get everything (cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, nebulizers, chest therapy and exercising) done.

The challenge
The needs are great
the resources are few
I am wondering how I'm going to get done
all that I have to do.

I've come this far
I will not turn back
God has provided
I have not lacked.

What's ahead I do not know
the future is hard to see
I know I'll get by
if I stay on my knees.

One step at a time
I say with labored breath
knowing I long for life
I will not give into death.

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