Friday, January 16, 2009

To Play or Not To Play, That is the Question

In the middle of February the Gem players will perform a funny little murder mystery called Death of A Door Nail. This is the third year and final year it will be presented at the L&N depot. I have played the character of Priscilla for the last two years and am contemplating taking on the task once more. Priscilla is a spoiled, rich girl who is used to getting her way and is slightly obsessed with Scarlett O'Hara. I wear a huge, southern bell type of dress and talk with an accent. She's a very fun character to play.

I enjoy acting because it distracts me from the details of my life. When I am on stage I am absorbed in the moment, it's a wonderful escape. Yet I wrestle with the amount of time and energy the endeavor takes. I wrestle with committing to an event a month away. How will I feel in a month? Will I be well enough to perform? What if I have an episode of hemoptosis (bleeding from the lungs) when it is time to go on stage? What if my lung unexpectedly collapses?

Too many possibilities for failure. Too many limitations to deal with.... and yet....what fun it is to make people laugh, what a sense of satisfaction to be part of a team working together towards a goal. And if there ever was a need for a distraction from the details of my life it would be now. Hmmmm.....perhaps the show must go on.

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