Saturday, January 10, 2009

Facing the challenges

I awoke Monday with a sharp pain on my left side, the middle of my back. I struggle to get to the bathroom noticing that I am having a much harder time then normal catching my breath. I call my primary physician. One of the perks of being chronically ill is that they are well acquainted with me. (Hey, we all like to have a place where everyone knows your name) . They agree to see me right away and I get an appointment before noon. By the time I get to the office my lips are blue and I am having a hard time walking any distance.

Then comes the bad news is..... another hospital stay, more antibiotics, life goes on hold. The good news is it is not a collapsed lung like I feared; He thinks it's pneumonia but he is not certain because there is so much scar tissue on my lungs it is hard to know what is old and what is new. Clinically it is obvious that I am sick so bring on the IV's.

I am now on the road to recovery, feeling much better with the first hospitalization of '09 under my belt. As I write I breathe in deep and am thankful for the privilege of another day.

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