Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The End of a Season

Monday was labor day, the end of summer. No more white shoes; no more long, lingering evenings watching the fireflies dance during dusk; no more carefree, unstructured days without the work of homeschooling; This past summer was the best of times and the worst of times.

I've already expounded on the worst of times in my past entries. I am still in recovery mode from my last hospital stay. I have two more weeks of IV antibiotics as well as oral and nebulized antibiotics. All the medicine is wreaking havoc with my stomach, it's like having constant morning sickness without the joy of a baby.

Now let me expound on the best of times. In between hospital stays I went on vacation. I travelled to Pennsylvania where my friends gathered for a 40th birthday party/fundraiser. It is most humbling for others to do for you what you simply can not do for yourself. Not only did they raise a tremendous amount of money (nearly $7000 in donations and pledges) but they wrote and spoke the most beautiful words to me. They spoke of how I have impacted their lives. They affirmed my past, present and future. They blessed me and gave me courage for the journey. I left the party feeling elated. My life has made a difference. My struggles have not been in vain, my pain has encouraged others who have been in pain. All is not lost.

I believe it is through relationships that we receive our wounds and it is through relationships that we receive our healing. My friends have blessed me and brought healing to my life. They have called forth my beauty; confronted my depravity; reminded me of my dignity and have loved me well. My party reminded me of the power of a well spoken word, the need to speak the truth to each other, the tremendous gift of forgiveness, the value of transparency and how much we need each other as we stumble along on our way home.

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