Monday, August 19, 2013

Life Today.

New beginnings are exciting and frightening. I am now a business owner.  I founded a tutoring service called Fusion Learning Center.  Our  mission is to unite life and learning by providing a positive educational experience through creative teaching methods, a supportive environment, and character development. Our goal is to prepare students for future success by engaging them in a dynamic academic program integrated with effective life skills.

We are scheduled to open in two weeks.  I have 5 students signed up, 2 of them are mine.  I don't think I'll be getting rich any time soon and that's not the point.  The point is to provide for my children's educational needs.  The point is to pour my energy into something substantial that will impact others, the point is to live well.

I am putting together a team of like minded people who want to change the world through education.  This feels good, purposeful, energizing and exhausting.  I hope I have the skills to be an entrepreneur. I hope I have the energy to sustain the vision when it's hard to see it coming together.  I hope, I hope, I hope.....

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The State of Things Today

Last year at this time I had already been in the hospital twice and was beginning a major decline in my health that would eventually land me back at Duke hospital in North Carolina being evaluated for a double lung transplant.  To say it was a hard year is like saying the ocean is a little wet.  I have been stretched to my limit then stretched some more.  Seems like the stretching is still not finished and I wonder if it ever will be.

Break down the word disease and you get dis ease, this literally translates to the state of not being at ease.  In other words- struggling.  Add Chronic to the disease and you get continuous struggling. 

I live in the tension of accepting that life is a struggle and life is a privilege.  As I type this I am not wearing my oxygen mask.  I can breathe fairly easy and maintain my oxygen saturation level when not exercising.  Breathing is a privilege not afforded to all.  I am thankful, I am grateful and I am struggling.  Life is not compartmentalized into nice boxes with clear labels marked ease and struggle.  Life is a continual  mixture of both pleasure and pain for all of us,  even those with out dis-ease.