Monday, June 1, 2009

Morning surprises

It was early this morning when I heard my son's blood curdling screams. My heart raced as I pictured him covered in blood with his hand or some other limb cut off. When I got to him in the living room I was relieved to find no blood but looking at him I could tell he was scared out of his wits.

The object of his fear was a two foot snake that had made his way onto our back deck. My dear boy had almost stepped on the slithery serpent when he went out to do his morning chore How this vile creature got there I do not know. Our deck is 15 feet off the ground. Did it drop from the trees? A kamikaze snake on a mission to scare the bejeebers out of us.

My son has adamantly stated he will never go outside alone again. Never is a long time. I hope he changes his mind.

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