Thursday, February 26, 2009


For those of you who don't know TMI stands for Too Much Information. TMI sums up this week for me. In the past 4 days I have learned that after transplant most people go home from the hospital taking insulin because all of the immunosupresant drugs you receive causes you to develop diabetes. I have learned that it is not uncommon after transplant to receive a stomach wrap. This procedure stops the new lungs from being damaged by acid reflux. When you receive a stomach wrap you can not eat or drink for weeks, maybe months at a time. You are fed through a G-tube inserted into your small intestine via a bag of nutrients that you receive similar to an IV. This week I have learned that if the doctor advises you to have a tracheotomy (also not uncommon) then you should happily receive one because they wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't needed. I have learned that the prescription drugs you receive after transplant can make you grow hair where you don't want it, lose the hair you do want, cause irritability and mood swings that can make you feel a tad crazy and, by the way, you will probably be on these drugs the rest of your life.

I am happy to report that in spite of feeling very overwhelmed I have processed all of this information without the numbing help of alcohol or narcotics; not that these substances have ever been a problem for me but I did think if there ever was a time to drink or take drugs now might be a good opportunity.

I am going to the ocean this weekend. I am going to bask in the sun. I am going to come to terms with all of this information.


Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed the beach. Thinking and praying for you and the family. Wish we were closer.

Lara Nimer

Anonymous said...

Hey Tina
Wow it sounds like there is so much to process. I will pray for Gods clarity, strength and wisdom for you. I'm glad to hear your family is coming and you are going to the beach. Have a great time!
Love you