Saturday, November 8, 2008

Perspective is all we need.

Today I will be going home from the hospital. I've been here since Tuesday. Apparently I caught a bug while waiting in the ER over the weekend for gall bladder surgery. I had been home less then 24 hours when my fever started spiking. So once again, I evoked all there is in me to do what I have to do and return to my home away from home. I am grateful for good doctors, good hospitals and medicines that eventually help you feel better.

With that being said let me also say that I really hate being sick. I hate the feeling of knowing that I cannot stop my body from feeling like it's been hit by a mac truck. I cannot stop the feeling of being left behind while all the world goes on with their lives, right on schedule. I cannot stop the disconnect that happens with my family because I have no emotional or physical energy to offer them. I remind myself when I enter the hospital that this too shall pass.

The first few days go quickly as I lay around and sleep most of the time, exhausted from the effort of breathing, relieved that I have nothing to do but rest. Usually by the third or fourth day I am revived enough to watch TV. I like to watch Discovery health channel. I am reminded that there are many far worse off then I am. Last night I viewed the documentary about autistic savant twins obsessed with Dick Clark. The show really helped me feel good about my situation. Perspective, the capacity to view thing in their true relations or relative importance, is all we need.


Anonymous said...

This is Barbara from TOPS. We have sure been missing your smiling face. I told everyone there about your latest hospital experience. We're all keeping you in our prayers. May the Lord smile upon you and bless you with good health as only He can do!

Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

Thanks Tina, for sharing. I love reading your thoughts. God's best to you.

Here's hoping the surgery can be delayed until just the right time.