Friday, June 13, 2008

Sunrise verses Sunset

It's just after 6am. I've been up since 4:30, maybe earlier since I laid in bed for a while. I took a walk along the Chesapeake Bay. I watched the sunrise; a huge, fiery ball of orange coming from the Eastern horizon. It was magnificent, beautiful and in my opinion, a bit overrated. Perhaps because I am so not a morning person, perhaps because I am more of a reflector of events then a planner of events or perhaps it's just too early to think, irregardless, I do not see what all the hoopla about sunrises are about. I prefer the sunsets, the golden hour rounding out the flurry of the day, gently beckoning us into night fall and rest.
Today will be a good day. I'm on vacation and now is the time to go back to bed.

1 comment:

A Season of Comfort, Inc. said...

I'm not a morning person either, but i do love a beautiful sunrise. Didn't always. Never really stopped too much to watch either the rise or the set, but once I learned really watch the sunset, I started appreciating both more. There's just one exact moment when the magnificence is visible, then the rest is perhaps anticlimactic.
Ahh, but that moment. . . brilliant!