Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Post Vacation Blues and the rhythym of life

I am a person who finds that the rhythm of my life is set at a pace faster then many are comfortable with. I like to be on the go. I enjoy connecting with people. That's probrably why I love vacations. I enjoy the bittersweetness of knowing you have a limited amount of time to connect with people so you schedule your visits with purpose. Breakfasts brunches getting reacquainted with old friends, dinners rich with conversations of catching up and reminiscing, late night coffees full of laughter and playful banter that comes with the familiarity of knowing people for a long time and discovering with joy who they are today.

I am suffering from PVB, Post Vacation Blues. We arrived home this morning around five. The cats, Princess and Prancer, were our welcoming committee. They were glad to see us. I was exhausted. I fell into bed thankful to be home, ready to rest and regroup.....until next time.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hi Tina!
Glad to hear that you're back and that you had a nice vacation! After you're rested and caught up let's get together for lunch!