Saturday, April 11, 2015

If Trees Could Talk

Thank God it's happening again. Spring has sprung. Green is the dominant color as the days become warmer. Gone are the dull gray sky, vibrant blue soars on the horizon. The Bradford pear trees have had their burst of bold color throwing their confetti of soft white blossoms into the wind reminding us that Mother Nature is having a party and we are all invited. The air is warm, the grass is soft, life is good.

And so it goes, out of the dormancy of winter comes new life. If trees could use words to express themselves I wonder what they would say?  In the middle of the coldest nights of winter do they fear their best days are over?  When they are stripped of the glory of their leaves and lay naked and exposed do they wonder if they will ever feel the sun on their face again? Are they aware that under their brittle branches, somewhere inside their core that which is needed to grow and become glorious is stored away tucked safe inside until the right time? How many seasons must pass before they grow confident in the cycle of thriving then dormancy only to rise again to blossom. Do they embrace the wonder of letting go of their beautiful buds to bring forth fruit that will nourish others.  Or are they like me? Sometimes fearing what is to come, dreading the shifting winds that will bring forth change, wanting desperately to live in forever spring, holding tightly to my blossoms.

I wonder if trees could talk what they would say to us?


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