Sunday, November 25, 2012

Being purposeful now.

We have spent the last four days in Georgia with my Mom, Sister, Aunts, Uncles and lots of cousins.  I am reminded again of how blessed I am. We had an incredible spread of wonderful food on Thanksgiving with enough leftovers to allow us to graze for days.

 My family loves me.  I feel their support and blessings as I travel tomorrow.  Our children will go back to Athens to be with friends while Tom I head to Durham, NC.  I will spend this week at Duke hospital completing pre-transplant testing.

I have been purposeful in not thinking about what this coming week holds.  There are some intense and invasive tests to get through in the days coming up.  I have been purposeful in trying my best to be fully present while being here with my family;  not allowing my mind to wander to the worries of the what if's.  I will continue to take life one day at a time, one moment at a time.

Life is fleeting.  There is a time and place for everything.  Now is the time for rest.  I choose peace in the present knowing the future will come and when it does, I will be ready.


Unknown said...

So glad you had a refreshing Thanksgiving weekend with your family. May you experience God's strength to get through this coming week. I am praying that the tests go well and they clear you to proceed with transplant so that you will be breathing freely sometime in the near future.

Rebecca Condron said...

I've been a bit of a lurker so far, but I wanted you to know that you also have an audience all rooting for you. You have an amazing head on your shoulders and a fire inside, to boot. All the absolute best and so much peace, too <3