Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thoughts for today.

I do not think of myself as fragile.  I do not think of myself as sick.  Denial?  maybe but I don't think so.  I know the facts but I have defied the odds long enough that I assume the stats don't apply to me.  I know I will die one day, everyone does eventually.  That day seems far off, always in the future.

28 days in the hospital, a new personal record.  I block the outside world.  Blankets hang on my window, tis easier to sleep with less light. I am so very tired.  10 steps to the bathroom is too far when dragging an IV pole, an oxygen monitor and a nasal cannula pumping precious oxygen.  10 steps leaves me gasping.

My world is shifting, priorities changing.  What really matters?  Breathing.  What used to be natural is now a calculated task - 3 liters at rest, bump to 5 to go to the bathroom.  The obnoxious alarm blares when I refuse to listen to my body and go e-v-e-r sooooo  s  l  o  w  l  y.  I adjust to a  snails pace.

Is this permanent or a bump in the road?  How long can you be in end stage lung disease before it's the end? 


Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

You've got it figured out right, Tina. You are a strong person. Your resilience and powerful spirit nurture the rest of us!

But I hear your questions too and sense your exhaustion. I pray for blessed rest and recuperation.


Amy Lizzy said...

You possess a quiet strength that is both amazing and refreshing. One day your FB post will say, "I got the call for new lungs." That day is coming. May the end be a new beginning. Love you.