Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sticky keys

The 'h" and "g" key sometimes stick on my lap top. I will be typing along not even realizin tat I am missin out on tese keys until i proof read later. It's better that way, if I proof read while I am typin then I will be constantly correctin myself. Te flow is missed.

Rite now I am missin the flow of my life. Seems like I am constantly stoppin, assessin, am I doing tis or that right. If I try harder, ponder more, smell te roses, rest, play, work and perfectly balance my life will I be appier? more satisfied? tranquil? ealty?

The last one is particularly tricky? ow much do I ave to work at being healthy. Work being te operative word here. Feels like I am always fitin a slippery slope of disease. I spent 3 weeks in te ospital in February. Wen I left I did not feel "riht" but tey had done all they could do; a full course of antibiotics.

Wehn I went for my follow-up appointment te culture came back positive. Te bacteria in my lungs was still there. Time to start anoter round of anitibiotics, tis time outpatient; tis time accompanied by a nitly fever, more congestion, lower oxyen saturation levels and no enery.

Today I laid on my deck all day, te oxygen teterin me like te man on te moon so I don't float away. I am very aware that I am limited rit now, tryin to live my life within different parameters. I can only ope that witout all my keys the messae will still come through; although I'm not quite sure what I am sayin. I'm just sayin.

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